Sweet Grass Braid 31" (Smudging Herbs)

  • $31.00

Sweet grass is considered a sacred plant and is used by traditional healers as a smudging herb in order to attract good spirits and positive energy. As its name implies, Sweet Grass has a sweet aroma when burned and is ideally used after the bitter purification of sage. In the Native American tradition, it is often burned at the beginning of a prayer or a ceremony to attract positive energy.

Aroma: Sweet, natural, smoky

Intention: To purify one’s space or body and attract positive energy. Smudging is a spiritual purification process that can be thought of as a cleansing smoke bath that involves lighting the tip of the braid, gently blowing out the flame and placing it safely in a fireplace, allowing the smoke to fill your space and wash over your body. This practice is held sacred within the Native American culture as well as shamanism.

Key features:

This braid is roughly 31” long, has a sweet aroma and burns slowly, enabling its smoke to carry its properties throughout a large room or even during and outdoor ceremony. 

  • Hand-harvested and sun-dried under the Californian sun in accordance to Native American tradition
  • 100% natural
  • Intention smudge for spiritual purification and to get rid of any negative energy.
  • Green: Prabhuji’s Gifts is a Green America Gold Certified business, and uses 100% recycled cardboard for its sage labels, and recycled and reused packaging products for shipping materials.
  • Charitable cause

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