Dalmatian Tumbled Stone

  • $14.00

Dalmatian stone is a powerful stone of Alchemy and therefore a useful tool for change and encouraging investigation and truth-seeking. Made primarily of feldspar and quartz it is a powerful energy conductor which can also store and channel the energy from your rituals, spells, and meditations efficiently. The spots come from iron oxide and tourmaline primarily but it also contains spots made up of minerals local to the area where the stone was mined making each stone a completely unique tool. The energy of Dalmatian stone is slow and powerful like the cycles of the Earth and is best used for long-term work.

Dalmatian stone is known for its protective and healing properties, this mineral's vibrational energy is slow, though quite effective, and should be used long term. Great stone for those who want to balance the “chi” yin-yang energy in the body. Can help strengthen marital and familial bonds, in addition to bonds with co-workers, friends and teammates. Encouraging teamwork and cooperation to execute projects. 

This is a great stone to work with when creating business plans, project outlines, and project that requires, analytical thinking from conception to execution. A good stone to work with when pursuing entrepreneurial ventures.

This calming stone is great for helping children suffering from night terrors, providing a restful sleep free from monsters

Stone is sold by (1) piece, shape, color and size will vary.

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