Orange Calcite

  • $10.00

Key Word: Creativity, Sexuality, Playfulness, Confidence, and Innovation

Element: Fire

Chakras: Sexual Creative (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd)

Orange Calcite is a cardinal fire element stone. It great for inspiring someone to think outside the box, allowing them to tackle long-standing problems or stalled projects with innovative approaches. It helps one overcome depression, tiredness, and physical inactivity. Helping to restores one’s health and vitality by increasing the flow of positive energies into blocked areas so that one can release negative patterns of behavior, get over phobias and shyness. It is an energy booster and cleaning stone.

It also helps to heal emotional wounds, especially ones related to sexual abuse because it helps to release the guilt associated with abuse. It invigorates playfulness and will increase confidence.

Can be used with the following stones:

Carnelian – to increase stimulation of creative/ sexual energies

Cuprite – to increase physical vitality

Selenite – for better insight  on issues


Sold by piece - not stone size

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